Suite 2000 is a CAT (Computer Aided Translation) tool which
enables translators to deliver quality
translations faster, more reliable
and more consistent than
ever before.
Suite 2000 now supports TMX
and OpenTag.
not only one translation tool, but a whole
suite of tools that manage every aspect of
translation business.
technology has improved all aspects of translation. Why would
you translate the same sentences over and over again? Searching
in large, heavy dictionaries cost valuable translation time and
Suite 2000 makes sure that you never have to translate the same
sentence twice. While you are working, the system learns the
language. The more you
translate, the less you have
to translate. |

this FREE tool you can create Translation Memories from your existing translations.
It displays the
existing source and
translated documents side-by-side and allows you to validate that the text displayed in the target window is the translation of the text displayed in the source window.

This tool will speed up the creation of
Dictionaries. DSU searches the text you want to translate for new terms. In the
work-environment all these terms are sorted by its frequency.
see, depending on the context, how a term should be translated. For every term you can add the TS2000 Multi-Media objects, source and target information, etc... |